Thursday, January 9, 2014

First Post! Yayy!!

Please refer to the About Us page.

     Whoot....ok, I know we are lazy from the beginning but it counts. LOL. Go check it out haha.

     Congratulations on our first post~ Haha, lazy bums - indeed we are. This feeling is like moving into a new home - kind of. There's still lots of work left for us to do. I'm still trying to get a hang of how blogger works. (We're getting there! Slowly - but we're getting there!) We're planning to do a little post on our feelings, expectations and reflection for the new Winter 2014's anime list. *excited*

    OH, before I forgets - from now on, Tedwin's comments will be in blue and T-Na's will be in red :) Hooray for color-codes!